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St. Edmunds Newsletter – March 2024


Lent, the forty days leading up to Easter in the Christian Calendar, is a time for prayer, penance and works of almsgiving and charity for others.  Reflecting on the true meaning of Lent allows us to deepen our relationship with God.  Sharing this with our children is a powerful way to reinforce the virtues of faith, love and compassion in our lives.

Encouraging acts of charity, prayer and self-reflection during this season can help each of us grow spiritually.  It is a time to examine our hearts, seek forgiveness for our shortcomings and strengthen our resolution to follow Christ’s teachings.

May this Holy season of Lent open our hearts to God’s love and grace and be a time for all of us to reflect on what is good in our lives.  May we all invite God to help us put right what is wrong and to remember just how much He loves us. 

Registration for 2024/2025 – due Friday, March 8th

On behalf of Fr. Steny and the PEC, I would like to thank you for attending our AGM on February 20th. We all feel blessed to be learning together and supporting each other in our community.

  • Please remember that you must take your “green forms” to the parish office in order for Fr. Steny to sign the pastor’s authorization for your Category 1 status.
  • Refer to your checklist when completing your registration package to ensure you have signed and returned all necessary documents.

 Dance through the Decades

We were happy to welcome back 1Vibe Productions from Feb. 26 to March 1st. Each class has been learning a routine as part of a dance and movement unit for all grades.  Parents are welcome to the dance presentation on Friday, March 1st at 1:30 pm in our school gym.

Praying for Others:

Lenten Prayers for the Seminarians – Your children have received mite boxes to help support our Seminarians. These young men, with God’s grace, will one day serve as priests in our Archdiocese. We ask that you continue to pray for them and for vocations. Lenten mite boxes can be returned after Easter.

Our Grade 2 and Grade 7 classes have begun preparing for the Sacraments of Reconciliation (April 3), Holy Communion (May 5) and Confirmation (May 29).  Please keep them and their teachers in your prayers during this special time in their faith formation.

Acts of Kindness:

The month of February was full of excitement with Catholic Schools Week, 100s Day, Ash Wednesday, Valentine’s Day and Pink Shirt Day.  Throughout all these activities the students were challenged to think of ways to show kindness towards their school peers, staff, families and community members. Thank you as well to our PAC for cutting out pink hearts for each child to write positive messages to post around the school.

Let’s continue to focus on “lifting each other up” and making acts of kindness a daily activity!


We appreciate your efforts in keeping your child’s uniform clean and tidy.  As many of your children are growing, we also ask that over spring break you take the time to check the fit of your child’s uniform (especially for shrinking hemlines).  Remember that you can order uniform pieces online at Cambridge. Please ensure that your child’s uniform is labeled with their name! (We find many unlabeled pieces on the playground and in the lost and found rack.)

It is the expectation that all students come to school dressed in full regulation uniform every day.

T-birds in Action

We are extremely proud of all our athletes and coaches for their hard work and dedication over the season.  A special shout out to our Jr. Boys Basketball team for advancing to the quarter finals at the Richmond Oval on Wednesday, March 6th!  Thank you to our incredible fans and parent drivers! Go T-birds!

March Calendar:

Fri. March 1                           1:30 pm Dance Presentation

Tues. March 5                       7 pm PAC Meeting

Wed. March 6                       School Mass at 9 am, led by Gr. 2

Fri. March 8                           Pick up Purdy’s orders in the school gym

March 9-24                            School closed for Spring Break

Mon. March 25                     School re-opens

Tues. March 26                     7 pm PEC Meeting

Wed. March 27                     Class Photo Day

Gr. 3 Class Mass at 9 am

Thurs. March 28                   11 am Stations of the Cross led by Gr. 5

Early dismissal at 12 pm

Fri. March 29                         Good Friday — No School

Mon. April 1st                      Easter Monday — No School


It’s been a busy and fun month of praying together, learning together and serving each other!  Thank you to all our staff for these amazing opportunities!

Thank you as well to our parents who are sharing the message to follow all the community parking regulations.