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St. Edmunds Newsletter – February 2024

St. Edmunds newsletter feburary 2024

This month we celebrate our students and Catholic Schools.  We are proud that St. Edmund’s provides opportunities for personal excellence in educational academic and extracurricular activities. With our philosophy of educating the whole child, the spiritual development of the children is integrated into all areas of the curriculum.

This month, we will also be focusing on the virtues of love & friendship. “Whoever does not love, does not know God, because God is love”. (1 John 4:8) The week of February 11th  is Catholic Schools’ Week in the Vancouver Archdiocese. We thank you for your commitment to Catholic education and for your continued support of our school.

We also thank you for sharing the good news about St. Edmund’s as we begin to meet new families who are looking forward to joining our special community in the upcoming school year.

Catholic Schools Week – February 11-17th

This annual event was started as a means of recognizing the importance of Catholic Education.  Our CISVA schools offer our children many opportunities to explore their talents – spiritually and academically, as well as in the fine arts and athletics.

During this week, our students will be completing activities focusing on celebrating Catholic schools.  We are reflecting on our blessings to be a part of a community working together to “share, pray, encourage, learn, care and worship”.  Please continue to pray for our students here at St. Edmund’s as well as at our high school St. Thomas Aquinas.

Learning Updates – Progress Reports on Feb. 9th

On Friday, February 9th, you will receive your child’s progress report which will communicate your child’s personalized learning strengths as well as areas for further growth and your child’s own self-assessment.

Progress reports will be followed up by our student-led conferences which will be held on Friday, April 12th. Please stay tuned for information to set up your appointment time.  All our students will be reflecting on their learning and will have the opportunity to lead you through their accomplishments and goals for the next term. Your teachers will be with you at this time, but it will be your child leading the presentation and applying their communication and critical thinking skills.

Catholic Educators Conference – Feb. 15 & 16 (No classes for students)

Catholic educators from the Vancouver Archdiocese as well as other BC dioceses will be gathering for the annual conference which provides professional development for staff as well as reminds us of our shared participation in the evangelizing mission of our schools and Church.  We are excited to learn from our inspiring speakers as well as coming together as a community of faith to celebrate mass with Archbishop Michael Miller.

Lent begins with Ash Wednesday on Feb. 14th

On February 14th, we begin the season of Lent with Ash Wednesday.  Lent, the forty days leading up to Easter in the Christian Calendar, is a time for prayer, penance and works of almsgiving and charity for others.  During this time, we recognize our need for God’s forgiveness and seek to deepen our relationship with him. The important thing is to find something that will help us focus more on God and what he wants for our lives.

May this upcoming Holy season of Lent be a time for all of us to reflect on what is good in our lives and invite God to help us put right what is wrong and to remember just how much He loves us.

Let us take the time to reflect with our children the true meaning of this season, so that we may focus on the power of Christ in our lives and strengthen our resolution to follow Jesus even more closely.

Praying for Others:

Our Grade 2 and Grade 7 classes have begun preparing for the Sacraments of Reconciliation, Holy Communion and Confirmation.  Please keep them and their teachers in your prayers during this special time in their faith formation. The parent information meeting will be on February 7th at 6:30 pm.

Reminders: Uniform and Daily Health Checks.

It is the expectation that all students come to school dressed in full uniform every day.  Please ensure that your child has their school sweater and black school shoes.  St. Edmund’s spirit wear (hoodies and jogging pants) may be used in gym class but do not replace our regulation daily uniform.  We also remind you to label all pieces of your child’s uniform. Thank you for your support and adherence to our uniform policy.

“Sharing is Caring”, but not when it comes to germs!  Please do not send your child to school if they are sick and remember to send the office an email or use the “Report Absentee” link on the school website to notify if your child will not be attending school.

Parent Participation

Thank you for volunteering your time and talents and for your continued support of our school. Your efforts help maintain our school safety as well as build community.  Please ensure you are well on your way to complete your required 25 hours of participation.  If you still need hours please check the portal for new activities posted, link attached,  If you have any questions, please contact the office.

A very special thank you to our parish Legion of Mary ladies and Fr. Cannio who were out early on our stormy snow day to clear the sidewalks around the school and parish!

Annual General Meeting – February 20th at 7:00 pm

For all St. Edmund’s parents – Registration packages for 2024-25 school year.

Your attendance is required to pick up your registration packages for 2024-2025.

The PEC and Principal look forward to sharing information about our year to date as well as information regarding the upcoming school year. 

A G E N D A:

  • Welcome & Opening Prayer
  • Pastor Report
  • Chairperson Report
  • Principal Report: Year in Review
  • Treasurer Report: Financial Overview, Tuition & Fundraising
  • Facilities Report
  • Parent Participation
  • Acknowledgments & Adjournment

February Calendar:

Fri. Feb 2                    Dress Down Pajama Day $2 donation to Catholic Charities

Mon. Feb 5                Early Dismissal @ 12:00 pm

Tues. Feb 6                7:00 pm PEC Meeting

Wed. Feb 7                9:00 am Gr. 7 Class Mass

6:30 pm Gr. 2 & 7 Parent Meeting (Sacraments)

Fri. Feb 9                    CSL Reports to Parents

Feb 11 – 17                 Catholic Schools Week

Tues. Feb 13              7:00 pm PAC Meeting

Wed. Feb 14              Ash Wednesday (no Hot Lunch)

School Mass 11 am – Led by Gr. 6

Feb 15 – 16                 No School: Catholic Educators’ Conference

Mon. Feb 19              No School – Family Day

Tues. Feb 20              7:00 pm Annual General Meeting for all parents

Wed. Feb 21              9:00 am Gr. K Class Mass

Fr. Feb 23                   11:00 am Prayer Service Gr. 1

Feb 26 – Mar 1           Dance Week with 1Vibe

Mon. Feb 26              Gr. 7 Basketball Tourney @ STA following placement exam

Wed. Feb 28              Dress Down Pink Shirt Day

9:00 am Gr. 5 Class Mass


  • Grade 1 student, Elena Khodr won a runner-up prize of a Panago Sponsored Pizza Party for the class for her artwork submission to the Fire Protection Week poster contest.  The poster focused on the phrase “Fire protection starts with YOU. Pay attention to fire prevention.”
  • To all our Primary Speech Arts participants for their efforts in preparing and presenting their poems, speeches and Bible readings. Special thanks to Mrs. Salituro for all her work in organizing this event for our North Shore Catholic schools!
  • Our fabulous T-bird students and coaching staff have had a great start to the season, developing and refining basketball skills while continuing to focus on personal best, sportsmanship and having fun! We are ever grateful to our parent drivers who are helping to transport our teams to our away games, and to all our supporters and fans who have come out to cheer our teams on!


Our Easter Purdy’s Fundraiser is now open! Last year we raised over $1,500.  This year, our goal is to raise $2000 so we need your help—but don’t worry, all the work you’re doing is choosing which chocolates to order.

Stock up on beautiful Easter gift boxes, fun chocolate bunnies, Sweet Georgia Browns and more.

All profits will go directly to St Edmunds Elementary. So, satisfy those cravings, get all your Easter basket-shopping done while supporting our student programs.  

The deadline to order is: February 25

What you need:

Once orders close, you can collect your treats from the St Edmunds Gym, Mahon Entrance on March 8th.   Please share with anyone you know who might be interested. It would help us so much.

Thank you!