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St. Edmunds Newsletter – May 2022


Last week our teachers sent home interim reports and as we approach the final two months of the school year we would like to congratulate all our students who have shown improvement in achievement over this past year.  I am grateful for the continued partnership between staff and parents working together to help our children become the best they can be.

During the month of May, we reflect on Our Blessed Mother’s example of faith, courage, perseverance and fortitude.  May God bless all mothers and give us the love and wisdom to raise and guide our families as our Blessed Mother modelled for us.  We will continue to ask her to intercede for us and may we continue to rely on her example of patience, courage, and compassion, especially during these uncertain times. Our grade 3 class will be honouring our Blessed Mother with whole school prayer services at the beginning of each week this month. Thank you to Mrs. Oman and the students for their extra time, effort and reverence in leading the school in prayer.

Lastly, on behalf of Fr. Steny, Fr. Cannio and our staff, we would also like to take this opportunity to wish all mothers a wonderful Mother’s Day on May 8th.

As we had to postpone our fall walkathon, we are excited to announce that the St. Ed’s Walkathon will take place during the week of May 9th.  We are looking forward to walking around our neighbourhood community to continue promoting physical fitness and raise funds to enhance our playground area. We are calling on you, our parents, to play an essential role in this year’s Walkathon.  Hard copies of the pledge forms have been sent home and you can also donate online.

Some important points to note:

  • Our classes will be walking RAIN or SHINE around our neighbourhood (routes around Mahon Park and Victoria Park)
  • You can send the following link for our Walkathon campaign to all your friends and family across North America: (St. Edmund’s School Walkathon) Tax receipts are emailed to you immediately for donations greater than $5 (within Canada only). This link will also be found on our school website.

Student Uniforms

Please ensure your child’s uniform meets the established requirements and those items are clean, in good condition and neatly pressed. School shoes are to be solid black with no markings. Hair accessories should be plain navy, black or the school tartan colour.  Colourful hair bows and hairbands are reserved for non-uniform dress-down days and hair colour is to remain natural.

Summer uniforms can now be worn.  This is an option for our regular school uniform which can be worn all year.  Boys have the option of wearing dress shorts and intermediate girls have the option of wearing the school skort.  (Please refer to our uniform policy for further information.) Additionally, please remember that our school sweater is still required every day at school.

School Safety & Gratitude

I would like to thank all the parents who have answered our call for extra help at our crosswalks!  Your time and effort are much appreciated at morning drop-off and after-school pick-up.  You are the face to the rest of our community of the wonderful, caring school we have at St. Edmunds!  We are still looking for additional crosswalk supervisors.  Please sign up on our Volunteer Portal.

Thanks as well to our Garden group for keeping our playground beautiful, safe and clean.  Your help makes our school even more inviting!

Daily Health Check Reminders

Please continue to use the K-12 Health Check app for the daily assessment of symptoms. Thank you for monitoring your child’s health and keeping them home if they show any signs of ill health or signs of COVID-19. Thank you for your cooperation in keeping everyone safe and healthy.

St. Edmund’s Committees:

Parish Education Committee (PEC) Elections

Notice is hereby given that elections to St. Edmund’s Parish Education Committee will take place on Sunday, May 29th, 2022

For the coming year, we need to elect (two) members from St. Edmund’s Parish for St. Edmund’s School Education Committee.

Eligible to nominate and to be nominated for election are all registered parishioners (Catholics living within our parish boundaries), over 21 years of age and Catholic non-parishioners who have been attending our parish upon written agreement of their proper canonical pastor. (Pastor Authorization Forms are available in the parish office).

Eligible to vote are:

  • Parishioners 19 years of age and a registered members of St. Edmund’s Parish
  • Your name must appear on the Parish List.
  • Members of registered families, whose name is not on the list, must contact the office, or register under their own name before the day of elections.

Nomination forms must be received in the parish office no later than May 16th by 4:00 p.m.


St. Edmund’s Parent Support Group (PSG)

The PSG is a necessary Parent Support Liaison Group between the school and the B.C. Gaming Commission who are responsible for application and expenditure of gaming funds that directly benefit students.

We are grateful for the efforts of Ms. Lo, Ms. Spring and Ms. Brauer in leading this group and directing funds to pay for school buses for our fieldtrips.


First Holy Communion

Everyone in our community is welcome to attend Mass at 2:00 on May 1st  as our school and PREP students will be receiving their First Holy Communion.

Sacrament of Confirmation

We welcome Archbishop Michael Miller to St. Edmund’s as our Grade 7s will be receiving the Sacrament of Confirmation on May 29th at 4pm

Please keep our grade 2 & 7 school and PREP students and teachers in your prayers as they prepare for these blessed events

With Thanks:

We would like to thank the bakery departments at the Lonsdale Loblaws and Pemberton Plaza Save-On-Foods for graciously donating the cakes for our sacramental celebrations!

We would also like to thank our class parents from grades K, 3, 1 & 6 for their tremendous efforts in preparing for the receptions of these special events for our community.

May Calendar Highlights:

May 2          Early Dismissal at 12:00

Start of Teacher Appreciation Week

May 3          Grade 3 Field Trip to Museum of Anthropology (We are so blessed with our tremendously terrific Tbird Staff!)

7:00 pm PAC Meeting

May 4          Whole School Mass – prepared by Gr. 1

May 5          Spring Flower Pick-up

May 6          Grade 6/7 Field trip to Grouse Mountain

May 8          Happy Mother’s Day!

May 9          Start of Walkathon Week!

May 11        Kindergarten Class mass with Gr. 4 Buddies

May 13        Crowning of Mary Prayer Service led by Gr. 3 @ 11:00

Walkathon Hot Dog Lunch

May 16        Grade 4 Field trip to Brittannia Mines

May 17        Kindergarten/Grade 1 Fieldtrip to Grouse Mountain

7:00 pm  PEC Meeting

May 18        Grade 1 Class Mass with Grade 5 Buddies

May 20        NO SCHOOL – Pro-Day

May 23        NO SCHOOL – Victoria Day Holiday

May 25        Immunization Clinic

7:00 pm New Kindergarten (2022/23) Family Meeting

May 26        Grade 2 Field trip to Maplewood Farm

7:00 Confirmation Rehearsal

May 27        Dress Down Day (Athletic Theme)

May 29        Sacrament of Confirmation @ 4:00 pm

May 29        Bike to School Week

May 31        Grade 5 Field trip to Grouse Mountain


… to Annebelle Stuart-Roca who advanced from our School Spelling Bee and participated in the CISVA Spelling Final on April 28th.

… to all our intermediate students who participated in the annual North Shore Catholic Schools Speech Arts Festival at Holy Trinity during the week of April 25th.  Thank you to our office staff and Miss Lorezca, as well as the parent volunteers who helped with the organization of this event.

…to our Grade 7 team who participated in the STA Bridge building contest on April 29th!

Track & Field – The St. Anthony’s Friars Track Meet was held on April 25th and we are so very proud of our team’s effort at this early meet!  We are so very appreciative of the parents who helped drive our athletes and came to support the team! The CISVA Annual Meet (May 29 & June 5th) will be held at Swangard Stadium.  We are continuing our morning practices at Mahon Park for all our athletes at this time; however, only those who qualify for their event will be attending the CISVA finals.  More information will be provided in the next weeks.