St. Edmunds Newsletter – April 2023
As Pope Francis says, “Charity, love, is sharing with the one we love in all things. Love makes us similar; it creates equality, it breaks down walls and eliminates distances. God did this with us.” This rings so true given our current world challenges. As we continue through this Lenten season, let us concentrate on following God’s will and being beacons of light and hope with our Risen Saviour.
On behalf of Fr. Steny, all parents, students, and staff are invited to join St. Edmund Parish for the liturgical celebrations:
- April 2nd Palm Sunday – the blessing and procession with palms will take place 15 minutes before each weekend mass. Please arrive early so you can participate in the solemn entry of Jesus into Jerusalem
- April 6th Holy Thursday – Last Supper re-enactment at 7 pm followed by adoration at the Repose Altar until 11 pm.
- (School-led Stations of the Cross at 11 am and dismissal at noon)
- April 7th Good Friday – Outdoor Stations of the Cross at 10 am; Passion is at 3pm followed by CWL soup and buns.
- April 8th Easter Vigil at 9 pm
- April 9th Easter Sunday – Masses at 8:00 am, 9:30 am, 11:00 am (Children’s Liturgy), and Filipino mass at 6:00 pm.
On behalf of our entire staff, I extend our very best wishes to all families for a happy and Holy Easter. May the peace of the risen Christ bless your homes, your hearts and your families.
An Easter Prayer:
God our Father, by raising Christ your Son You conquered the power of death and opened for us the way to eternal life. Let our Easter celebrations raise us up and renew our lives by the Spirit that is within us. Grant this through our Lord Jesus Christ, your Son Who lives and reigns with You and the Holy Spirit One God, forever and ever.
Praying for Others:
Mite Boxes – Before Spring Break your child received a Mite Box. Students are asked to collect offerings throughout Lent and as a family we ask you to pray for the young men in our Archdiocese who are studying and discerning a vocation to the priesthood. Mite boxes can be returned on Tuesday April 11th.
Sacraments – Our Grade 2 and Grade 7 classes have begun preparing for the Sacraments of Reconciliation, Holy Communion and Confirmation. Please keep them and their teachers in your prayers during this special time in their faith formation.
- Sacrament of First Reconciliation Tuesday, April 4th 9:45 a,m.
- Sacrament of First Holy Communion Sunday, May 7st 2:00 p.m.
- Sacrament of Confirmation Sunday, May 28th, 2:00 p.m.
Spelling Bee Intermediate Finals:
Our “Spelling Bee-ers” have been busy reviewing their words. Our in-house school competition will be taking place on Tuesday, April 4th! We are proud of all our amazing participants from grades 4 to 7 and look forward to having a student represent St. Ed’s at the CISVA Spelling Final on Tuesday, April 25th at Holy Cross Elementary.
Crosswalk Supervision – Thank you to all the parent volunteers who assist daily with the safety of our children and community. We still need volunteers. If you need participation hours or are able to volunteer extra time, we would greatly appreciate it!
Uniform Updates – It is the expectation that all students come to school dressed in full uniform every day. Please ensure that your child has their school sweater and black school dress shoes. Please ensure all articles of clothing are labelled with your child’s name. Please be sure to order your uniform for next school year by June 15th to ensure that you receive your order by September.
Fundraising & Walkathon – Thank you to all the families who purchased Purdy’s Chocolates last month and have ordered Spring flowers. These funds go towards our technology upgrades of our iPads and Macbooks.
Stay tuned for further information about our Walkathon which will take place during the week of April 24-28th.
Additionally, our Student Council is working hard to demonstrate servant leadership within the school. They have organized a Spirit Week Campaign from April 11 – 14 to raise awareness and funds for Catholic Charities and Cops for Cancer. Students will be excused from wearing their uniform and wearing the colour of the day in exchange for a donation towards these worthy causes. See Calendar Highlights below and our online calendar to find out the colours of the day.
Track & Field – Stay tuned for further information regarding the upcoming practice schedules and permission forms for students in grades 3 to 7.
Calendar Highlights:
Mon. April 3 Full School Day
Confessions (Gr. 3- 7) starting @ 9:45 am
Tues. April 5 First Reconciliation starting @ 9:45 am
Intermediate Spelling Bee 1:00 pm
Wed. April 6 Pick up Purdy’s Orders 2:45-3:30 pm
Thurs. April 6 Stations of the Cross led by Gr. 5 @ 11 am
Holy Thursday 12:00 dismissal
Friday April 7 Good Friday – No School
Monday April 10 Easter Monday – No School
Tues. April 11 Gr. 4 Fieldtrip to Britannia Museum
Tues. Apr 11-14 Spirit Week for Charity (Catholic Charities & Cops for Cancer)
Dress Down Day colours:
Tuesday – green
Wednesday – white
Thursday – purple
Friday – red
Thurs. April 13 Remembrance Day Awards Assembly
Wed. April 20 Whole School Mass led by Gr. 4
Mon. April 17 -21 Intermediate Speech Arts Festival @ St. Pius X
(Wed. April 19th is St. Edmund’s “host day”)
Wed. April 19 Class Mass led by K and Gr. 4 Buddies
Wed. April 19-21 Gr. 7 Outdoor School @ Camp Squeah
Mon. April 24 – 28 Walkathon Week
Tues. April 25 Spring Flowers Orders Due
PEC Meeting @ 7 p.m.
Wed. April 26 Class mass led by Grade 7
Art Club @ 3 p.m.
Fri. April 28 Dress Down Day
Walkathon Hot-Dog lunch
Mon. May 1st Early Dismissal 12:00
Special note: Art Club is on Wednesdays from April 16 to May 3rd; Prayers for Peace is every Thursday.