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St. Edmunds Newsletter – April 2022


As Pope Francis says, “Charity, love, is sharing with the one we love in all things. Love makes us similar, it creates equality, it breaks down walls and eliminates distances. God did this with us.” This rings so true given our current world challenges.  As we continue through this Lenten season, let us concentrate on following God’s will and being beacons of light and hope with our Risen Saviour.

On behalf of Fr. Steny, all parents, students and staff are invited to join St. Edmund Parish for the liturgical celebrations:

  • April 10th Palm Sunday – Children’s Liturgy at 11:00 Mass
  • April 15th Good Friday – Outdoor Stations of the Cross at 10 am; Passion is at 3 pm.
  • April 17th Easter Sunday – Children’s Liturgy at 11:00 all the students who come to this Mass will get an Easter egg as they go home.

On behalf of our entire staff, I extend our very best wishes to all families for a happy and Holy Easter. May the peace of the risen Christ bless your homes, your hearts and your families.

An Easter Prayer

God our Father, by raising Christ your Son You conquered the power of death

and opened for us the way to eternal life.

Let our Easter celebrations raise us up and renew our lives by the Spirit that is within us.

Grant this through our Lord Jesus Christ, your Son

Who lives and reigns with You and the Holy Spirit One God, forever and ever.


Praying for Others:

Mite Boxes – Before Spring Break your child received a Mite Box.  Students are asked to collect offerings throughout Lent and as a family, we ask you to pray for the young men in our Archdiocese who are studying and discerning a vocation to the priesthood.  Mite boxes can be returned on Tuesday, April 19th.

Sacraments – Our Grade 2 and Grade 7 classes have begun preparing for the Sacraments of Reconciliation, Holy Communion and Confirmation.  Please keep them and their teachers in your prayers during this special time in their faith formation.

  • Sacrament of First Reconciliation Tuesday, April 5th
  • Sacrament of First Holy Communion Sunday, May 1st, 2:00 p.m.
  • Sacrament of Confirmation Sunday, May 29th, 4:00 p.m.

Spelling Bee Intermediate Finals:

Our “Spelling Bee-ers” have been busy reviewing their words. Our in-house competition took place on Tuesday March 30 and went to 19 rounds!  Our congratulations to all our amazing participants from grades 4 to 7 and especially Annebelle Stuart-Roca who will be representing St. Ed’s at the CISVA Spelling Final on April 28th.

Track & Field Season:

Grades 4 to 7 will be starting the Track & Field season this Monday morning at 7:45 a.m. at Mahon Park.  Please see the permission form that was sent home for further details.

Covid-19 Revised Guidelines

Thanks again to all in our community for your care and attention during this pandemic.  Details of changes were sent home via email and will also be updated on our school website under the March 2022 Communicable Disease Plan.

Please remember to continue to complete the ‘Daily Health Check’ and keep children at home if they show any symptoms of illness in order to keep everyone at school healthy. A reminder that masks in indoor spaces are recommended but not mandatory and we are respecting personal choice.

Recess & Lunch Schedules: We have adjusted our recess and lunch schedules to accommodate our coaching and extra-curricular schedules. Recess will be from 10:30 a.m. to 10:45 a.m. Lunch playtime will be from 12:00 to 12:30 p.m. and eating time will be from 12:30 p.m. to 12:45 p.m. for all classes.

Crosswalk SupervisionThank you to all the parent volunteers who assist daily with traffic supervision.  We are still needing volunteers

We ask that you continue your commitment and help us maintain a high level of safety for all our students and community members throughout the remainder of the school.

Uniform Updates – It is the expectation that all students come to school dressed in full uniform every day.  Please ensure that your child has their school sweater and black school dress shoes.  Please ensure all articles of clothing are labelled with your child’s name.

Calendar Highlights:

Mon. April 4               Full School Day

Tues. April 5               First Reconciliation / PAC meeting 7 p.m.

Wed. April 6               School Mass led by Gr. 2

Thurs. April 14           Stations of the Cross led by Gr. 5 / Holy Thursday 12:00 dismissal

Friday, April 15           Good Friday – No School

Monday, April 18        Easter Monday – No School

Tues. April 19             PEC meeting 7 p.m.

Wed. April 20             Gr. 4 Class Mass / Gr. 7 Fieldtrip to Cheakamus Centre

Thurs. April 21         Friar’s Track Meet @ Swangard

Mon. April 25 -29     Intermediate Speech Arts Festival hosted by Holy Trinity

(Wed. April 27th is St. Edmund’s “host day”)

Wed. April 27           Gr. 3 Class Mass

Thurs. April 28         First Holy Communion Rehearsal

Fri. April 29               Dress Down Day – further info to come

Please be sure to check our online calendar for further information and updates.

Fundraising Thank you to all the families who purchased Purdy’s Chocolates last month and have ordered Spring flowers.  These funds go towards the technology upgrades of our iPads and Macbooks.

Stay tuned for information about our Walkathon which will take place next month.  Funds raised will continue to go towards our playground upgrade, specifically repairing the surface of the parking lot on which the children play during recess breaks.