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St. Edmunds December 2019

Advent Blessings to your families!

Sunday, December 1st marks the beginning of Advent and our preparation for the birth of Christ.  Our community is blessed with lots of talents and gifts and I invite you to make this season one of peace and sharing.  Let us continue to work together to serve others as we continue to reflect on this year’s theme “I Can Do All Things Through Christ”.

I have been honoured to witness the dedication and devotion of both the staff and parents to Catholic Education.  It takes a special commitment to send your children to a Catholic School and I believe that the education your child receives at St. Edmund’s reflects high standards with our faith being central in all that we do.

On behalf of the entire staff, I pray this Christmas brings your family love, peace and happiness as we celebrate the joy of our Saviour’s birth.

Celebrating our Learning – Curricular Highlights


  • To prepare the children for Christmas, we will have Reconciliation services for Grades 3 to 7 on December 12th. When we receive the sacrament of Reconciliation we show our desire to welcome the Lord with purified hearts. Please note that Parish Penitential Services will take place on Dec. 19 at 7 pm in our Church.

Student Council Spirit of Giving & Dress Down Week:

  • Student Council is asking all classes to bring in canned goods and other non-perishables to help create Christmas Food Hampers for those in need in our community. Please bring donations by December 6th.
    • Monday – Animal Theme, no face masks (Loonie or Toonie for charity)
    • Tuesday – Sports Theme (canned veggies)
    • Wednesday – Pajama Day Theme (canned fruit)
    • Thursday – Winter Colours Theme (canned soup)
    • No School Friday – Parent Teacher Conferences

 Dress Down Days: 

  • In addition to Student Council’s dress down week, students are asked to come in their concert costumes on Wed. Dec. 18th for a dress rehearsal.

 School Concert:

  • Thursday, December 19 at 7 p.m.
  • Doors will open at 6:30 and students are asked to be in their classrooms at 6:40. After the concert, students must be picked up from their classrooms.

Recognition & Appreciation

  • Congratulations Sr. Girls Volleyball, Miss Singer & Mrs. Dy on a successful end to the Volleyball season. Our girls are commended for their 5th place finish at the CISVA Volleyball finals!  Thank you to all our parent drivers for supporting our girls and transporting them to their games.
  • Thank you to our Grade 6 class for leading us in prayer and song in a reverent Remembrance Day Assembly.
  • Thank you to all families who have responded to the Travel Survey. Your feedback is much appreciated and you haven’t completed the online survey yet, please click on the following link:  Travel Survey
  • Christmas Dinner and Dance on December 14th at 6pm all are invited
    • Tickets available at Parish Office 604-988-3211
    • Adults $20 and Children $10


Our teachers appreciate your role as partners in your child’s learning and look forward to seeing you on December 5th & 6th.  Please note that students in grades 4 to 7 are also expected to attend their conference. (You can register on-line for your parent-teacher conference.  Please login on the school website.  Thank you for commitment in taking the opportunity to meet and celebrate your child’s academic progress so far this year.


If you have a child ready for Kindergarten for the 2020/2021 class, please return the form below to the school office by Friday, December 6th, 2019.  Preference is given to siblings, however due to interest for enrolment in Kindergarten 2019/2020, we need to know how many spaces will be available.

NEW FAMILIES 2020/2021:

If you know any families whose first child will be in Kindergarten in September 2020, applications for the 2020/2021 school year are available on the school website and in the school office.